Beginner Intermediate

Our students develop into well rounded athletes because our program focusing on strength, flexibility, coordination, power, grace, and agility. Very few sports give such a wide range of physical and mental benefits.

Big Wigs 1 &2- These classes create a foundation of gymnastics skills that every wants to learn- handstands, cartwheels, backbends, pull-overs, and the beginning stages of a backhandspring. These students have testing sheets they complete at the beginning and end of each session to track their progress. We want EVERY student to reach their full potential.

Aces- The gymnasts will continue to work on the four Olympic events as well as trampoline. Gymnasts in this class would advance next to our competition classl – Xcel Bronze.

Fun gymnastics skills taught include: Handstand vault, back hip circle, handstand on beam, back kickover/backwalkover, and begin working on backhandsprings.